The middle Liri valley

The tour develops entirely in the Middle Liri Valley and the nearby Valle di Comino, with three routes that allow you to grasp the peculiarities of the territory and live unique experiences. Cicerone was born here where there are remarkable testimonies of Roman and pre-Roman history; you ride on secondary roads through the Cabernet vineyards until you reach the pleasant medieval villages set among the green hills, in which time seems to stand still. An area rich in water, whose presence has favoured industrial development since the sixteenth century; a territory crossed by a railway that has been the protagonist of social life for almost two centuries.




Lunghezza del Tour: 186,73 Km
Dislivello complessivo: + mt 2.046
Dislivello complessivo - mt 2.552
Durata: 3 Giorni
Sistemazioni in albergo: Isola del Liri


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