Estuary and the coastline

The tour of the coast, from the enchanting charm of the sea to the unexpectedly beautiful villages located among the reliefs of the hinterland. A tour that keeps constantly suspended the cyclist between history and mythology, in this territory crossed by the last stretch of the river « Liris » (today Garigliano). You will cycle through the dramatic war memories of the Gustav Line, gathered, preserved and broadcast by a handful of volunteers with their magical museum up to villages with remarkable food and wine traditions. Along the coast or in the immediate hinterland the artefacts of Roman, medieval and Bourbon times, are sometimes very close to each other and always protagonists of breathtaking scenery and views.


Lunghezza del Tour: 172,14 Km
Dislivello complessivo: + mt 2.053
Durata: 3 Giorni
Sistemazioni in albergo: Minturno


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